Become Better Sport Performance and Personal Training
Client of the Month: November 2023
The Winner is… Bowen Kwolek!
Bowen, who is 12 years old, began training with us this past summer. Bowen came in looking to improve his overall health and learn how to lift weights safely. Bowen was a hit with the Become Better night crowd and is now known by most when he comes to workout. Bowen loves to chat about anime shows and video games. Despite all his chatting, Bowen loves to lift weights. One of Bowen’s biggest goals when starting to workout was to hold his plank for more than 30 seconds. He is now doing multiple sets for 45 seconds.
Here are some of his other accomplishments since the summer:
TB DL: 40kg
BB Press: 15k
Bench Press: 20kg
The other Nominees:
Mike Toepp
Mike has been a great addition to the gym since he joined about a year and a half ago. Many of you that come in the morning know Mike. Mike is friendly with everyone at the gym, Joking around, encouraging people and bringing a positive vibe to the gym.
Mike is always willing to try any exercises that come his way. Despite having some injuries and a minor surgery over the past year, he has shown great commitment, always willing to reschedule or adapt his workouts so that he doesn't have to miss any. Recently he even increased to 3 days a week in order to reach his goals faster. Mike has made excellent strength and endurance improvements since starting at the gym.
Outside of the gym he pushes himself to walk 3-4 miles a day. I'm very happy with and proud of Mike for his effort and commitment to improve his health.
For these reasons I nominate Mike for client of the month
Jeff Bondy
As of November 5th, Jeff has been a part of our gym for 7 years. Jeff first joined because he needed help getting in shape and losing weight while working around a host of old sport injuries. Those injuries have required him to get more operations than I can even remember and he now is over half bionic. The important thing is though that these injuries never stopped Jeff from coming back. After each and everyone, he came back as soon as he was cleared from PT so that he could get back on track to become better. November wasn’t Jeff’s best month due to work obligations. Even still, he NEVER canceled a session without rescheduling for the next day. It can be easy to get busy and vanish for whole weeks at a time. Jeff has done the opposite. Jeff became busy, but that didn’t stop him from trying to get each and every workout in. Because of his dedication during this busy time, and for his dedication for the last 7 years, Jeff is a nominee for Client of the Month for November. Thank you for always bringing positive energy to the gym and helping us BECOME BETTER too. Jeff is also turning 69 years old in January and is a part of a small group of people who we believe are nearing 1000 total training sessions with us.