Become Better Sport Performance and Personal Training
Winter Olympics 2025
The Games Start January 2nd, 2025 and will end when we close on Sunday, January 19th
See The Current standings here! (Standings won’t make sense until most people have completed the events)
You can see the teams here and how you and everyone else has scored so far in each event here
Many of you were free agents and were put on a team that you can see above too.
If you did not get on a team yet and would like to, please let one of the coaches know. We still have plenty of rooms for teams and some teams that still need a player.
You may choose a team name too! One has currently been assigned to you by coach Dan
The Events:
Ski/Dart Biathalon:
You have 60 seconds to ski as many meters as you can.
Then you will have 10 seconds to run the length of the turf to the dart board.
You will be given 4 darts (balls) to throw.
Dart board will be next to the garage door.
You will stand at the first long line (roughly 3 yards away).
Best 3 throws count towards your total meters/score at the end
After you throw all darts, you will run back to the ski ergometer to finish another 60 seconds.
*Note: it is just about impossible to make it down and back in 10 seconds so you will certainly lose time on the skiing, BUT the faster you go the less time you will lose.
Age advantages:
<14: 20 seconds between rounds
50+: 5 Balls, no time increase
60+: 6 Balls, 20 seconds between rounds
70+: 7 Balls, 30 seconds between rounds
Still best 3 balls get added to your final score
Bear Crawl Sled Drag:
You will Drag the sled with our new harness doing a bear crawl
One foot and one hand must always be touching the turf
No grabbing the turf
If at any point both hands or feet are off the ground the round will be disqualified
You will start with one hand touching the start line and head behind.
Time stops when you touch the stop line (20 Yards away).
Men’s Weight: Lowest of 100 - Age or Age X 2 = kg pushed: See Cheat Sheet Here
Women’s Weight: Lowest of (100 - Age)/2 or Age = kg pushed: See Cheat Sheet Here
You will score points by your place in each event.
If you get 2nd place in an event, then you get 2 points for your team. If you get 20th place, then you get 20 points.
You will add all of your points for each team member for both events.
Lowest score wins!