The Winner:
Laura McClure
Laura has been training with us at Become Better a little over a year and a half. She started with us after some convincing from her mom (Joanie Schluetter) who was a previous client of the month winner.
Laura came to us with some experience but has learned and done very well since she began. During her training with us, Laura and her husband found out that they were having a baby boy which Laura trained through most of the pregnancy. Laura had to work through many obstacles between how she felt while trying to work out but she always found a way to make it work! After taking some time off to get settled with their new baby boy, Laura has returned back to the gym and doing great! Laura is a great example of a client who had life step in the way but found a way to get back in and all are doing well and healthy.
Runner Up - Doug Niesen:
Doug has been training with Become Better since July of last year. His daughter Rachel first trained with us while in high school starting~ 8 years ago. Rachel's brother Ben then joined the gym a few years ago and was able to convince Doug to join as well.
Doug has a plethora of old injuries which limits what he can do quite a bit. This doesn't stop him from trying to improve and BECOME BETTER though. His goals are simple. He wants to be able to continue moving well with as little pain as possible. When he first started it was clear that his muscles were still strong, but his joints would ache. Despite this, Doug never shied away from trying something out to see how it would feeI. It took a lot of experimentation to figure out the right amount of stress to strengthen the joints but not over irritate them. Over the months Doug has increased his ROM, reduced his pain, and gotten stronger. Last month he went down to Florida for the winter, but that has not stopped him from following a Become Better program. Doug has still been working out 4-5 days/week every week even when gone. This dedication is why he is being nominated for COTM.