Suitcase (Bucket) Deadlift

Step by Step Guide:

  1. Walk up directly beside a weighted object such as a bucket, suitcase, sandbag, or similar.

  2. Place your feet about hip width apart, then reach down to grab the handle.

  3. Flatten your back out by pointing your chest forward and your butt backwards, and then stand up with the weight until your hips are fully extended, then return to the start position.

Helpful Cues:

  1. Don’t let the bucket pull you towards it, and don’t lean away from it. Keep your abs tight so that your shoulders are square and not tilted one way or the other.

Common Mistakes:

  1. Rounding the back as you’re lifting. This places excess strain on the low back.

  2. Leaning towards or away from the weight. Don’t let this happen. One of the benefits of this exercise is the added strain on the abdominal muscles that occurs when the exercise is performed properly.