Split Squat Tutorial


  1. Stand in a split stance with one foot forward and one foot back behind you. Make sure your feet are still about hip to shoulder width apart to maintain balance.

  2. Squat down until your back knee is about an inch off of the ground, then stand back up. Complete for the prescribed amount of reps.

  3. Switch your feet and repeat on the other leg.


  1. Try placing a pad underneath your back knee. This is much more comfortable than slamming your knee into the ground, and it allows the range of motion to be more repeatable and easily defined.

  2. Squat straight down, not forward. Think about keeping your front knee stacked right on top of your ankle.

  3. Stay on the ball of your back foot. Your heel should be up.


  1. Lunging forward rather than squatting straight down. This is a split squat, not a lunge. Your torso should move straight up and down, not forward or backwards.

  2. Not squatting down far enough. The lower you squat, the more muscles will be involved. Move through a full range of motion.


  1. BB Split Squat

  2. DB Split Squat