Develop Healthy Habits for the New Year and Make Them Stick

The new year is a great time to think about healthy habits to improve your life. Most of us have good intentions when it comes to resolutions, but they tend to fade away over the course of a few weeks. Healthy habits can be challenging to stick with, but with some strategies in place, they can become part of your daily routine for the long term. 

The folks at Become Better Sports Performance and Personal Training have seen first hand the positive results that can come from committing to health goals. Their trainers have seen incredible transformations occur that started with a decision to get healthy. Whether your goals are related to fitness, nutritious eating, or developing better household routines, you can make lasting positive changes. Committing to healthy goals starts with a solid understanding of why you are making this a priority.

Set Goals and Make them Stick

As you develop health goals, think about your underlying reasons for making the change. Why do you want to make nutritious food choices or get fit? Perhaps you want to feel well enough to travel with friends or reduce your blood pressure. Regardless of what sort of goal you set, be sure of the reasons behind it so that you are more likely to stick to it. Back up your intentions with committed behaviors, such as shopping at your local health food store. 

Setting measurable goals is important. Instead of “I want to lose weight,” try getting more specific like “I want to lose one pound per week for 20 weeks so that I can feel more comfortable in my swimsuit this summer.” The next part of goal development involves the “how.” An example could be, “I will reduce my caloric intake to 1,200 per day and speed walk for 30 minutes daily during lunch break.” Specific, measurable goals can help you stick to the plan for the long term.

A common health goal people embark on is improving fitness. There are many great reasons to start a fitness routine and hundreds of ways to work exercise into each day. Regular cardio and strength training is important for longevity and overall health, and the use of apps or online personal training can help you stay motivated. If your phone is an older model, it may not work fast enough for app or video, though. When you upgrade to a newer model like the iPhone 12, you can rely on a super-fast chip that can support your app or streaming needs without issue. You can even take it up a notch with an Apple Watch that can measure your heart rate, which seamlessly integrates with your phone so you can monitor your activity level.

Making Your Home a Healthy Haven

Our homes impact our health, too. Having a healthy home often means turning a tired room into a fresh and vibrant space that’s relieved of tension. Perhaps your family is complaining or arguing more than usual or being overly critical. You can inject some positivity into your home’s atmosphere by decluttering, cleaning, and letting in fresh air. Try to maintain your healthy space by devoting 15–20 minutes per day to declutter and wipe down surfaces to reduce bacteria and dust mites.
Your physical health and home atmosphere are important aspects of wellness. Other great ideas for health resolutions may include incorporating a plant-based diet and introducing mindfulness practices into your life to reduce stress. Plant-based eating and mindful practices offer proven health benefits that can add years to your life. But know that regardless of what health goals you focus on, it is a worthy pursuit if it brings you wellness. A consultation with Become Better Sports Performance and Personal Training is a great way to start. Email or call (262) 408-9750 today.

Article Written By Lisa Walker,

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