What Coach Dan Has Been Up To During The Quarantine

Since I haven’t seen any of you recently I figured you all must be dying to know what I’ve been up to lately. So here you go…

When we first closed we knew we had to figure out a way to work with our clients without actually being with them. I have been doing online training for friends and family along with a few kids who have gone off to college for a long time. However, the way it was set-up wasn’t really ideal for those needing more accountability or needing demonstration and instruction of the exercises still. So Nik, Joey, and myself hustled to complete our exercise video library on our website. After this, we worked on a new template for clients that looked clean and professional. We set it up so it was easy to access all the exercises that we filmed and gave instruction for. Now that it’s set-up, we communicate daily with our clients who have decided to participate. 

Different way of training Ed, same (similar) result

Different way of training Ed, same (similar) result

One brightside to all of this chaos is that we are now set-up to expand our client reach in the future if we want to pursue more online training avenues. Don’t worry, the gym will always be our primary concern though.

That’s been about it for my work life. I still go into the gym most days to workout and do my program writing. By myself of course. In fact i’m here right now writing this. Nicole is working from home and has taken over our table and has conference calls periodically. So it’s been easier to be productive here. Nice and quiet, but also lonely without all of you being able to be here too :(.


As with most people lately, our days/nights have been full of watching a lot of TV and movies. We binged Season 3 of Ozark in a single weekend, which I would highly recommend (*not for kids). We restarted watching The Big Bang Theory since we never saw the last couple seasons. So far we’re through 4 seasons.


Movies we have watched include Jumanji 2 (highly recommend), The Mr. Rogers Movie with Tom Hanks (A little boring for me), Uncut Gems (pretty interesting and fast paced), Spies in Disguise (I always like animated films), Spencer Confidential (decent Netflix movie with Mark Wahlberg), the Kitchen (which is not a comedy, FYI), Knives Out (I enjoyed), Joker (Not my style, but I would recommend, very depressing though), Frozen 2 (Like I said, I love animated movies). I am also rewatching my favorite movies, the LOTR Trilogy. We have also stayed up to date with our normal shows too, but I think i’ve listed enough.


I like to walk a lot and since the weather has been nice I have been doing a lot of that. Which includes walking to the gym. Nicole and I also went hiking one weekend in WV. 

Most of you also know that I am a big board/card game fan. So Nicole and I have been playing a lot of Cribbage, Backgammon, and our favorite new game called, “The Game.” I highly recommend buying this game. It’s good for 1-5 players and very simple to get the concept. We’ve also played Splendor, 7 Wonders, and Rummicube, but we prefer more people for those games. I would be happy to take any recommendations on other good 2 player games for us.

The Game

We have tried our best to support other local businesses during this time since we know first hand what it’s like. We have bought gift cards to some of our favorite breweries such as Mindful, Spoonwood, and Hitchhikers. When the gym opens up be prepared to possibly win some of these! We have also gone out to other Breweries such as Dancing Gnome, Roundabout, Hop Farm, Cinderlands, White Horse, and ACB to get beer from them.


If you’re looking for coffee, we have purchased some from Judy’s Coffee shop on South Park Road. She is doing free delivery right now for coffee grounds. I also highly recommend M.I.N.K in USC for dinner pick-up. The Owner is the Uncle of one of our kids at the gym. Our favorite restaurant is The Original Gyro on 88. You will not be disappointed.

That’s about it for my life since the quarantine started. I would like to invite all of you to send us a quick “blog” of their own about what you have been up to during this time. I would like to know and I believe your other friends at the gym would be very interested in hearing from you too. You can send us a full update like I have just done, or even just a couple quick sentences.

Stay tuned to hear about Nik and Joey’s quarantine life early next week.

Thank you!

Miss you all!

Coach Dan