These Creative Gifts for Seniors Will Make Healthy Living a Breeze in 2020

These Creative Gifts for Seniors Will Make Healthy Living a Breeze in 2020

The holiday season is full of indulgences, so it’s no wonder why many of us make a resolution to get healthy when the new year rolls around. Seniors are included in this group, but seniors also face some challenges when it comes to meeting health goals. That’s why it’s so helpful to give health-inspired gifts around the holidays. These gift ideas make wellness easier to achieve, and they’ll help your loved one start 2020 on the right track and stick with it for the long haul.

Gifts to Get Outdoors More

We recommend any gift that helps the recipient get more activity in their day. One easy idea is to give a gym membership, or if your loved one has an interest in dance or yoga, you could give them a class package. And as much as we love these classic ideas for active gifts, the holiday season is the perfect time to think outside the box too. Any physical fitness is good for seniors, but activities that encourage being outdoors are even better. 

There are all kinds of creative gift ideas that support active hobbies. For example, a new exercise outfit might encourage your senior to feel good about heading to the gym. Hikers and birdwatchers might enjoy a new set of binoculars or a walking stick. Or if your loved one loves to bike but hates leaving their dog behind, a bike trailer will allow their pup to be included. 

The Gift of Companionship

CapTel explains seniors can reap big benefits from pet ownership, like lowered blood pressure, lowered risk for depression, and reduced pain levels. It’s not unusual for them to feel lonely for one, yet sometimes seniors shy away from the responsibility involved. If that sounds too familiar, why not set up your loved one with a low-care pet? Senior Advisor points out pets like birds, fish, and rabbits are ideal for seniors. 

Round out your gift with a setup, or just get the cage or tank and let your loved one pick the pet. For those who prefer an outdoor pet, there are even all-in-one rabbit hutches that are safe and easy-to-clean.

Gifts for Healthy Eating 

For many seniors, kitchen gifts are ideal for eliminating problems that make preparing meals a challenge. If your loved one lives alone, they may like a gift that makes cooking less of a chore, such as an Instant Pot that’s the right size for one. Or maybe the person on your list loves frozen treats. In this case, give your loved one a smoothie maker and a book of healthy smoothie recipes so they can whip up their own delicious desserts.

If your senior loved one used to enjoy cooking but has lost that interest, it may be due to physical changes. For example, someone who has arthritis may struggle with basic tasks like operating a can opener. Giving an electric can opener is a simple solution that makes cooking a joy again. 

Gifts To Sleep Better

All kinds of things can keep seniors from getting a good night’s rest, and if your loved one has ongoing insomnia, they should see their physician to rule out medical causes. However, some simple solutions can help as long as your loved one doesn’t have an underlying medical condition. 

U.S. News highlights two top concerns in your environment that interfere with sleep: noise and temperature. If your loved one wakes easily due to noise, consider giving them a white noise machine. If they sleep hot at night, giving a set of high-quality cotton pajamas will help with temperature regulation.

When shopping for a senior, keep these ideas in mind. Gifts that solve healthy living dilemmas are the best gifts of all. These gifts do more than just make it easy to get started - they make it easy to keep going all year long.