Eccentric Banded Prone Hamstring Curl Tutorial

Learn How to Do an Eccentric Banded Prone Hamstring Curl


  1. Tie a band around something stationary such as a the lower leg of a rack,

  2. Lay on stomach

  3. Place the band around the back of your ankles/calves

  4. Walk yourself out far enough where you get a good amount of tension on band, the further you go the harder it will be

  5. Bring feet towards the back of your legs as far as possible

  6. Bring legs back down slowly with whatever the count is (likely 3-5sec) to where your toes touch the floor for a full rep

Helpful Cues:

  1. Go as far as your ROM can reach

  2. Scooch back towards where the band is tied to loosen up resistance or change to a lighter band if you can’t get close to your butt or if your butt is poking in the air.

  3. Should be only your knees bending and isolating your hamstrings

Common mistakes:

  1. Not getting enough tension or having too much tension where you can’t get full reps or your hips are hiking up

Other names:

  1. Banded Hamstring Curl

Common variations:

  1. Banded Tantrums - Doing it for speed,

  2. Single leg

  3. Normal Speed - Not working on the eccentric part