Push Up (Variation)


  1. Kneel on the ground and place your hands about shoulder width apart.

  2. Step your feet back and place your toes on the ground so that you’re in a tall plank position.

  3. Hold your body in a straight line from your heels to your shoulders.

  4. Lower yourself down by bending your elbows until your chest touches the ground, then press yourself back up.


  1. Squeeze your abs during this movement. Think of push-ups as a moving plank. Don’t let any part of your body move besides your arms.

  2. Experiment with your hands wider or closer to find the most comfortable position.


  1. Not lowering all the way to the ground. If you can’t perform a full range of motion push-up with good form, try incline push-ups or push-up negatives.

  2. Sagging your hips down towards the ground. This is incorrect as it takes tension off of the abs. Keep your body tight and don’t let anything move except for your arms.