Pull-Up Tutorial


  1. Grab the pull-up bar with an overhand grip

  2. Lift your feet off the ground or step (if applicable) so that you are at a complete dead-hang.

  3. Pull on the bar to raise your body until your chin is above the bar, then slowly lower yourself back down to the start position.


  1. Think about driving your elbows down. This will help you contract your lats.

  2. If you’re not tall enough to reach the bar and don’t want to jump up to the bar, use a small step to assist you. Just make sure you come to a dead hang before you begin pulling.


  1. Pulling before you are at a dead hang. The very bottom part of the pull-up is the hardest, and you are never going to get better at it if you skip it. Make sure you begin your pull from a dead hang with your arms fully extended.

  2. Not going all the way back down between reps. Make sure your arms fully straighten between reps. Don’t cut them short.


  1. Neutral Grip Pull-up

  2. Chin-up