Plate Pinch Tutorial


  1. Place two (or more) iron plates together with the flat sides pointed out.

  2. Grab the plates with your thumb on the flat side of one and your fingers on the flat side of the other.

  3. Hold for the prescribed amount of time, then repeat on the other side.


  1. Use chalk if your hands are sweaty. This will make sure you’re the plates don’t slip out of your hands prematurely.

  2. Start light. This can be a very challenging exercise, even with light weights! Try two 10s, two 10s and a 5, or even three 10s. Once you’ve mastered these, try four 10s or two 25s.


  1. Using rubber plates instead of iron. Rubber plates are much easier to grip so you can use heavier weights, but iron plates are much more effective at lighter weights.

  2. Placing the plates with the smooth sides together. Having a lip to hold onto defeats the purpose of this exercise.


  1. Single Bumper Plate Pinch