Plank Shoulder Taps

step by step guide:

  1. Get into a tall plank position with your hands about shoulder width apart and your feet about shoulder width apart.

  2. Lift one off the ground and tap the opposite shoulder, then return that hand to it’s original position.

  3. Repeat on the other side.

Helpful cues:

  1. The wider you place your feet, the easier this exercise becomes. If you’re a beginner, use a wide foot position. If you’re pretty strong, try keeping your feet closer together.

Common mistakes:

  1. Twisting at the hips. Nothing should move during this exercise except the arms. If your hips are twisting, think about squeezing your abs harder and/or try a wider foot position.

  2. Sticking your butt up in the air. Just like in a regular plank, your body should be in a straight line from heels to shoulders. Don’t cheat the exercise by sticking your butt up in the air.