Plank Climber

Step by step guide:

  1. Place your elbows and toes on the ground and hold yourself in a plank position.

  2. Lift one elbow off of the ground and replace it with the hand. Press into the floor with your hand and straighten your elbow, then repeat on the other arm.

  3. Lift one hand and lower back down to the elbow, then repeat on the other side so that you end up back in a plank position. This is one complete rep.

Helpful cues:

  1. You can either alternate sides or do all reps of one side and then all reps of the other side. Neither is wrong or correct necessarily. Whatever helps you keep track of your reps better is what you should do.

Common Mistakes:

  1. Twisting at the hips as you perform the exercise. While we use this as a triceps exercise, it is also an ab exercise so squeeze those abs and lock your hips into the position.