Overhead Back Toss


  1. Stand up on your toes holding a med ball with your feet shoulder width apart.

  2. Squat down and lower the med ball down in-between your legs.

  3. When the ball is between your legs, explosively extend your legs and fling the ball back over your head.

  4. Chase the ball down or have a partner throw it back, then repeat for the prescribed reps.


  1. Keep your arms as straight as possible during this movement. This will maximize the distance of the throw and it will make sure none of your power is being lost.

  2. Think of the throw as a backwards jump. Shift your body weight towards your heels before you extend your legs. This will make sure the ball goes back and not straight up.


  1. Bending your arms during the throw. This will cause the ball to be dunked straight down over your head rather than releasing it in a nice arc.

  2. Not using your legs and simply reaching down and standing back up to throw the ball without bending the legs. Drop your butt and extend your legs as explosively as possible to maximize power output each rep.