Medicine Ball Sit-up Throw Tutorial

Learn How to Do a Medicine Ball Sit-up throw


  1. Grab slam med ball and lie on back facing wall

  2. Distance yourself from the wall about 3-5 feet back

  3. While holding the ball behind your head begin to do a sit-up

  4. While coming up throw the ball into the wall, or to a partner, when your torso is almost perpendicular to the floor

Helpful Cues:

  1. Throw the ball using momentum from your core

  2. Throw towards the top of the movement

  3. Keep feet planted on ground

  4. Use slam ball not MB with bounce

Common mistakes:

  1. Throwing the ball too early losing resistance on your core through ROM

Other names:

  1. Partner Sit-up Throws

Common variations:

  1. Partner Sit-up Ball Tosses

  2. Throw ball with a chest pass