Laying Hip Adduction Tutorial


  1. Lay on your side with your bottom leg straight and your top leg bent and behind the other leg.

  2. Lift your bottom leg up as high as you can, but don’t shift the rest of your body. You won’t likely move more than a few inches.

  3. Control your foot back down and repeat.

Helpful Cues:

  1. Squeeze the muscles of your inner thigh.

  2. Keep your toe pointed straight ahead. You should NOT shift so that the toe is facing upward.

  3. Think about leading with your heel going up.

Common Mistakes:

  1. Shifting your body so that you are practically on your back. This will cause you to use extra muscles that we are not trying to isolate to make this motion happen.

  2. Going to fast.

Other Names:

  1. Probably some funny ones out there since this exercise used to be on a lot of old workout videos

Common Variations:

  1. None