Laying Hip Abduction Tutorial


  1. Lay on your side with your legs straight

  2. Lift your top leg up while keeping your toe pointed straight ahead.

  3. Control your leg back down and repeat.

Helpful Cues:

  1. Point your toe slightly down. If your toe starts drifting upward that means you are starting to use other muscles in your hip.

  2. Range of motion should be small for most. If your leg is going really high there is a high probability that your hip is shifting and you are no longer using your hip abductors.

  3. When setting up on the ground, try to get the front of your hips to be angled slightly towards the ground. This will help prevent shifting your body to being more on your butt/back while lifting your leg.

Common Mistakes:

  1. Shifting your hips so that your back/butt is more on the ground.

  2. Swinging your leg too high causing your toe to point upward and not straight ahead.

Other Names:

  1. Laying Side Leg Lifts

Common Variations:

  1. Band or weighted versions.

  2. Standing Hip Abduction