Kettlebell Overhead Side Bend

step by step guide:

  1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and press a kettlebell up over your head with one arm.

  2. Turn your head to look up at the kettlebell, and then start bending your torso down away from the kettlebell towards the ground.

  3. When you feel a big stretch in your oblique muscles to the side of your stomach, stand back up to return to the start position.

  4. Once you’ve completed the prescribed amount of reps, repeat on the other side.

Helpful cues:

  1. The arm that’s not holding the kettlebell can glide along your leg to assist with maintaining balance.

  2. The kettlebell should move in a straight up and down motion. It shouldn’t move side to side much, if at all.

Common mistakes:

  1. Moving the kettlebell too much. If you allow the kettlebell to move sideways too much, it can become hard to control and potentially fall. Try and keep it moving straight up and down.