Inverted Row

step by step guide:

  1. Lay on your back set up underneath a barbell.

  2. Reach up to grab the bar, straighten your legs out in front of you, and lift your hips up off the ground.

  3. While keeping your body in a straight line, pull yourself up to the barbell until your chest touches the bar, then lower yourself back down.

Helpful Cues:

  1. The more horizontal your body is, the more challenging this exercise will be. To increase difficulty, lower the barbell down. To decrease difficulty, raise the barbell up.

Common mistakes:

  1. Sagging your body down or raising your hips up too high. You should be maintaining a straight line between your heels and shoulders. Lifting your hips up too high or sagging them down too low are both incorrect.

  2. Creating momentum by swinging your body up. This makes the exercise much easier which is not the point. Force yourself to use strict technique and adjust bar height as necessary.