Front Squat Tutorial


  1. Set a barbell in the squat rack so that it is about mid-chest height.

  2. Grab the bar with your hands just outside of shoulder width, then step under the bar as you raise your elbows up, and place it on the front of your shoulders.

  3. Stand up with the bar, then walk back 2-3 steps and place your feet about shoulder width apart with your toes turned slightly outward.

  4. Squat down until the crease of your hips drops below your knee cap, then stand back up.


  1. Let the bar roll back towards your finger tips rather than holding it deep in your palm. This will make it easier to keep your elbows up and not let the bar roll forward as you squat down.


  1. Not squatting deep enough. For a full training effect for your legs, make sure your hips drop below your knees before you stand back up.

  2. Dropping your elbows as you stand up. This can cause the bar to roll forward and make you fail a rep. Keep your elbows pointed directly forward throughout the entire movement, and especially concentrate on it as you transition up out of the bottom.


  1. Arms Crossed Front Squat

  2. Front Box Squat

  3. Paused Front Squat

  4. Tempo Front Squat