Dumbbell Chest Fly


  1. Sit on a bench and set the dumbbells on your knees.

  2. Lay back and kick your knees back while pressing the dumbbells up over your shoulders.

  3. Place your feet back on the ground. You are now in the start position.

  4. Turn your palms in so that they’re facing each other.

  5. Slightly bend your elbows, and lower the dumbbells down in a “reverse bear-hug” type motion.

  6. Once the elbows drop below your body and you feel a big stretch in your chest, return to the start position in a bear-hug motion.

  7. Once you’re done, bring your knees up and lower the dumbbells down to your knees, then rock forward and set the dumbbells on the ground.

common mistakes:

  1. Keeping your arms straight instead of maintaining a slight bend. This places a lot of the tension on the elbow joint and biceps, which is not the purpose of this exercise. Maintain a slight bend in the elbows so that the tension is placed on the chest and shoulders.

  2. Not going low enough. Move through a full range of motion so that you’re efficiently training the chest. Stopping short of a full stretched position defeats the purpose of this exercise.