BTN Push Toss Tutorial


  1. Hold a medicine ball up over your head with your arms fully extended and your fingers pointed towards each other.

  2. Explosively drop into a quarter squat position as you lower the ball down behind your head, then explosively jump and throw the ball up as high as you can.

  3. Reach down and grab the ball with a flat back, and repeat the process for the prescribed amount of reps.


  1. Try these against a wall. Aim for a higher and higher spot on the wall each rep. Having a high target to try and match/beat will help you give 100% effort each rep


  1. Not giving 100% during this exercise. In order to improve your power output, you must give 100% effort on each rep. Don’t sandbag it.

  2. Using only the arms to throw the ball. Make sure you’re pushing as hard with your legs as you are with your arms. This is a full body exercise.