BB RDL to Row


  1. Grab the bar with your hands about shoulder width apart.

  2. Perform an RDL (see instructions here), but pause in the bottom position

  3. Pull the bar to your stomach, perform a BB Row (see more instructions here).

  4. After the Row, finish the RDL by standing up.

Helpful Cues:

  1. Pause slightly between movements

  2. Keep the bar close to your body

  3. Try to get you upper body close to parallel to the ground or until your feel a slight stretch in your hamstrings

  4. Keep your back tight the whole motion. Especially during the row.

  5. Try to row straight up as much as possible, and not towards your hips

Common Mistakes:

  1. Letting your shoulders slouch when bringing the bar down during the row.

  2. Letting the bar swing away from you

Other Names:

  1. Probably needs a more creative name

Common Variations:

  1. DB RDL to Row