Band Assisted Rollout Turotial


  1. Tie a resistance band around the ab wheel and wrap it around the post of a squat rack or similar.

  2. Kneel on the ground facing away from the rack and place your hands on the handles of the wheel.

  3. Brace your abs and begin rolling the wheel forward by pushing your hips forward.

  4. Roll-out until your body is forming a straight line between your knees and your shoulders, then roll the wheel back to the start position.


  1. Think about keeping your hips and the bottom of your rib cage pulled together. This will keep your spine in a neutral position.

  2. Move through a full range of motion. The band tension will make it easier to get into the fully extended position. When these become easy, move on to regular roll-outs without the band.


  1. Letting the hips sag down as you’re extending. Make sure to keep the abs tight and don’t let your back sag.


  1. Band Assited Left, Right, Center Roll-outs