1 Arm Dumbbell Overhead Press

Step by step guide:

  1. Place your feet about shoulder width apart.

  2. Pick up the dumbbell and lift it up to shoulder so that your elbow is stacked directly below the weight and the back side of the dumbbell is resting on your shoulder.

  3. Extend your arm and press the weight up directly over your head until your elbow is fully extended, then lower the dumbbell back down to the start position.

Helpful cues:

  1. You can use either a neutral grip (palm facing your head) or a prone grip (palm pointed forwards in the same direction as your eyes). Experiment with both grip positions and see which one works better for you.

  2. Don’t pause in the bottom. Use the stretch reflex to assist you for every rep after the first one.

Common Mistakes:

  1. Bending the knees and pushing with your legs to create momentum. This is a different exercise called a push-press which serves a slightly different purpose. Keep these strict and only use the muscles of the upper body.

  2. Pressing the dumbbell out in front of you instead of straight up overhead. Any horizontal distance that you push the dumbbell away from your body, the force required to lift the weight becomes amplified. Make sure to keep the dumbbell as close to your body as possible during your set.