January 2024

Become Better Sport Performance and Personal Training

Client of the Month: January 2024

The Winner Is:

Daryl Criss

Read her accomplishments below

Daryl, the daughter of Jean Criss, the winner of the client of the month in September 2023, originally joined the gym with her mom after her husband and son had already joined back in 2016(?). Originally, Daryl worked directly with Coach Dan (as everyone did back then) and needed a lot of guidance (not as much as Jeane who you may remember would try to plank by using her head). Now, Daryl is very confident in her abilities to perform any of the exercises on her workouts at the gym with much less guidance.

Although her goals have never been to lift more and more weight, she has come a long way from using 15 lb DB’s for a chest press, planking for 47 seconds, and deadlifting only a 50 lb DB.

Daryl can now do the following weights for multiple reps with relative ease (despite what her RPE’s may say):

Deadlift 72kg

Bench Press 27kg

Back Squat 45kg

Trapbar Deadlift 75kg

Daryl’s goals have always been more practical. At one point she wrote a review on being able to take heavy bags of trash out much easier than before and better than the big “strong” men in her office. She now plays a lot of paddle tennis and pickle ball and trains to stay strong and in shape for that. In January, Daryl has increased her sessions per week to 4 times and rarely ever misses a workout.

Daryl and her husband David have also helped Dan and Become Better with countless projects over the years. They have helped us Become Better just as much as we have helped them.

The Runner-ups:

Kyle Tanzcos (Tacos):

Tacos is still very new to our gym. He joined at the very beginning of December with a main goal of jumping higher and staying injury free while playing volleyball as he gets older. Although he wasn’t super unfamiliar with the weight room, he wasn’t used to our type of training and has started his journey on learning how to brace and do every exercise the right way. Most of his increases in weight since starting will be seen as relatively modest from a numbers standpoint as it’s been only a short amount of time, but every lift has been moving up in weight while his form keeps getting better and better. He also recently hit his max touch jump with only a 2 step approach instead of a full approach.

Kyle’s main reason for being nominated this month is mainly due to his positive attitude and energy that he has brought to the gym ever since starting. He quickly introduced himself and made friends with other clients of ours. During the Winter Olympics he helped lead his team to first place (2nd including Coach Dan’s team). He did an event nearly every time he was in and improved a lot from the beginning. He also encouraged other clients who weren’t on his team. This type of positive energy greatly enhances our gym and helps us trainers do our jobs even better too.

Leslie Bazzano

Leslie Bazzano has been one of Become Better's longer tenured clients training with us for 6 (I'm not sure if that's correct) years.  Leslie has seen many come and go through her time and herself has had to take time off here and there.  Leslie has had to undergo knee replacement surgery recently but despite that she has made her way back to Become Better and has been consistently training multiple times a week.  Her spirit is always there and you can count on her to cheer you on in the gym! Leslie is also always good to bring us delicious lunch snacks or a quick bite of fruit! 

Leslie through her time has gone from doing light dumbbell workouts to lifting all the bars and trap bar deadlifting well over 100lbs.

Gym accomplishments:

Trapbar: 65kg(143lbs)

Bench: 30kg (66lbs)

Overhead Press: 20kg (44lbs)