THIS 1 thing is how you BECOME BETTER!

Just kidding, there isn’t just one thing that will make you Become Better. I just wanted to see if a bunch of people would click this article by saying that. Below I have listed my steps on “How To Become Better.” And yes, I do believe there is one key in these steps, but it’s hard to do any of them without each other. 

How to Become Better:

  1. Get In The Right Mindset - 

    If your mind isn’t ready to accomplish something, then neither will your body. Give yourself a goal to reach to help. Remember the SMART goal system? Take it a step further and write down WHY you want to accomplish this goal. This will give your mind something to work towards and give it justification to why you want to reach this goal.

  2. Learn How To Go About Reaching Your Goal -

    Do your own research or better yet, seek professional help. This will give you a clear understanding of what you will need to do to reach your goal. In the health and fitness world this would mean learning how to exercise and eat properly. One reason to “Why You Should Hire A Personal Trainer.

  3. Be Committed/Don’t Make Excuses -

    Make sure your priorities are set and stick to them. Excuses are what they are. People will argue their excuse is good/valid. I’m going to tell you that it doesn’t matter if it’s valid or not because either way it is preventing you from Becoming Better. Here’s an idea, instead of talking about your excuses, how about you talk about how you’re going to make it up?

  4. Work Hard -

    My #1 thing to help you Become Better. In today’s world, kids negatively describe people as being a “Try Hard” if they are simply trying hard at an activity. I don’t know how this could possibly be an insult because you’re not going to accomplish much without putting 100% effort in at all times. If you always show up, but are only putting in 50% effort, then you’ll likely only accomplish half of what you want to accomplish. I am also a believer in the phrase, “Smarter, not Harder.” However, don’t mistake this for not putting in 100% effort. Working smarter simply means to be efficient. Don’t waste your time. Learning from a professional will help. 

  5. Be Patient -

    You should aim to Become Better every single day, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to see drastic results within a couple days or weeks. Progress may seem slow, but even the smallest improvements everyday will add up to quite the change if you give it enough time.

  6. Care About Your Goal And Progress -

    If you don’t really care, then why are you trying to Become Better in the first place? Make sure the goal you set is something you really want and not just something that you read in a book that said, “you should be able to run a mile in 8 minutes (or insert another goal you don’t care about).” That doesn’t mean you should never run, but maybe set a different cardiovascular goal that’s related to what you want. For example, maybe you prefer biking and would really like to be able to bike 20 miles without stopping.

Those are my 6 steps to Becoming Better. Most of you will think of these steps in a Health and Fitness manner, but really it’s meant for any topic/goal. In the future I may expand on these steps in more detail.